
At all the sinks at St. Simeon Skete, you will find the Ablutions posted.  They are to be said before each Prayer Office.  
The Ablutions 

  1. Wash the hands to the wrists:  “May these hands be instruments of peace
  2. Then cup a handful of water to the lips with the right hand, rinsing the mouth three times: “May this mouth speak only the pleasing words, the healing words, the truthful words.
  3. Then lightly snuff water into the nose three times, which has remarkably brightening effect on the senses: “May I long for the sweet fragrance of His Presence.” 
  4. Then wash the whole face and eyes: “May this face shine with the light of His countenance. May these eyes see the hand of the Creator everywhere they look.” 
  5. Clean the ears by inserting the tips of the index finger wetted with water into the ears, twist them around the folds of the ears then pass the thumb behind the ears from the bottom, upwards, and then over the nape of the neck: “May these ears hear only the resonance of His Word; may this neck bend in humility to the One.” 
  6. Wash the feet (right foot first) up to the ankles, making sure that no parts of the feet are left dry: “May these feet walk on holy ground.” 
Exodus 30:21 “So they shall wash their hands and their feet, that they die not: and it shall be a statute for ever to them, even to him and to his seed throughout their generations”.          
Exodus 40:31 “And Moses and Aaron and his sons washed their hands and their feet thereat:”

More often than not, Christians see this “ritual” as belonging to another religion – when in fact it was from our Jewish roots, carried on by the early Christians.  It remains a practice at St. Simeon Skete and with many Christians in the East.   As time went on the physical expressions of our Christian worship were left behind.  We say our prayers as we lay in bed,  as we drive from one appointment to another, or whenever we find a moment to remember – a lot of the time we tend to catch God “on the fly”.  There is nothing wrong with meeting up with God in any situation. We should be in prayer at all times in all that we do (“pray without ceasing”).  Many times I find myself in prayer while doing normal, regular chores – while baking a pie – saying the Jesus Prayer with every cherry that I pit, with every stroke of the scrub brush as I wash the dirty floor.   Even in the shower, as I wash my hair I add to the listed ablutions…  “may this hair remind me to keep myself untangled from the ways of the world”, etc.   All that we do should be done in prayer, however it is crucial that we come apart from the world, our work, our busy lives each day to deliberately make an effort to make time specifically set aside for Him.  It is this effort, going out of our way to do something special with Him.  
As a child I remember my mother, after breakfast, returning to her bedroom to say her prayers.  My brother and I knew not to disturb her during her time with God.   Of all the things I remember in my childhood, it is the importance my mom placed on her prayer time that I find the most endearing.  The effort she made to arrange that special time alone with God – a time where my brother and I had no doubt of the huge significance that God played in her life. Despite demanding, cranky kids, despite the piled up housework, despite financial worries… she left it all to be with Him. Somehow, as a child, that made me feel all the more secure, knowing that God came first.  
Beside the sink on every wall at St. Simeon Skete, you are reminded to pray. The purpose of washing each of these parts outlined in the Ablutions is that it gives you time, bit by bit, part by part, to move your awareness away from the world and toward God. 
2 Samuel 12:20 “Then David arose from the earth, and washed, and anointed himself, and changed his apparel, and came into the house of the LORD, and worshipped: then he came to his own house; and when he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat.”
Time to say within your heart:

I am now going to establish a connection with God
I am now going to turn toward God
I am going to hand over my responsibilities, my love, to God. 
This determination must become strong through the process of your ablutions.  By the time you have finished, you must have the intent and the aim of seeing God.  The day you succeed in these ablutions, your prayer becomes fruitful! 
In 1 Timothy 2:8 it says “I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting”.   The lifting up of holy hands – to lift up the hands – denotes supplications, as it was a common attitude of prayer to lift towards heaven.  The “holy hands” refer to the Jewish and early Christian custom of washing their hands before prayer; this was/is done to signify that they had put away all sin, and purposed to live a holy life. 
On this Monday in Holy Week, may we make the effort to remember Him.
Acts 21:26 “Then Paul took the men, and the next day purifying himself with them entered into the temple, to signify the accomplishment of the days of purification, until that an offering should be offered for every one of them.”
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“My Way of the Cross”

As we begin Holy Week,  St. Simeon Skete/Nazareth House Apostolate shares with you this journal writing of Seraphim’s:  “My Way of the Cross”.   

I see you Jesus, I walk with you Jesus…
The Nails of the Cross.  Placed in the Chapel at St. Simeon Skete during Lenten Season.
“My Way of the Cross”  (Written by Seraphim, 5 April 2005, Louisville, KY.)
     Dropped in St. Martin de Tours Church to say my Rosary and found a group already praying so Im joining them.  Its been a strange journey today.   The bus driver was out of sorts and her spirit was throughout the bus.  Her job, her cross, and it hurts. Just now a man with Downs Syndrome in his 60’s left his pew after the Rosary finished.  He was carrying a bundle of well used devotional booklets and a prayer book bound together with rubber bands.  I could tell, sense, that a life time of devotion had just passed, a Simon of Cyrene, bearing His cross by bearing his.  Could this be another station in which the Lord is developing, “my personal way of the cross?”  Perhaps in all likelihood these stations are going on all the time and it is still Jesus, we’re passing and it is He that is passing us by in His way, His “personal Way of the Cross”. 
The Crown of Thorns, The Scourging.  Placed in the Chapel at St. Simeon Skete during Lent.
     I boarded the bus again and at the next stop a woman and her daughter got on.  She had been beaten by life; her ratted, worn polyester stretch-pants over a body long worn and pushed out of shape, her teeth missing on a face  that looked as if it had been beaten in from time to time.  And her daughter?  She was a teen, concerned about her looks as most naturally are. She had on trendy “gym shoes” and dressed nicely, a covering not only for her body, but also for what she didn’t want others to know.  When they boarded the bus the mother paid the fare for both of them.  The daughter went to the back of the bus while the mother sat at the front.  I could almost hear the thought of the daughter, “I hope no one thinks I’m with her”.  I watched the mother for response – none –  she sat with dignity, not energizing the stares and ignorance of her daughter. When the stop came for them to de-board the bus, the mother inconspicuously looked to the back to catch her daughter’s eye and gave a nod, she de-boarded from the back and the mother from the front of the bus.  I thought as the stops came and went, this mother who, as it were, had holes in her hands, feet and side, her face as if someone had struck her repeatedly and she was stooped as she walked, as if someone had beaten her back. Her loved one fleeing lest someone might associate her with this embarrassment.  The mother showed no sign of hurt over this, no resignation, as if at one time there was hope, expectation that she would be accepted, loved and not an embarrassment to others. Things were just as they were, nothing was to change, or for that matter, was able to change.  Again, could this be another station, another “bus stop” of the cross? …my own stations of the cross that God, the Holy Spirit was bringing to me?  As I thought on these things I heard three beeps of a car horn that strangely sounded like a cock crowing.
As you walk through your own life be aware that Christ continues to carry his cross in others. 
The remaining ashes of Ash Wednesday are enthroned in the Chapel of St. Simeon Skete during the Lenten Season.

…and he went a little further…
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“My Way of the Cross”

As we begin Holy Week,  St. Simeon Skete/Nazareth House Apostolate shares with you this journal writing of Seraphim’s:  “My Way of the Cross”.   

I see you Jesus, I walk with you Jesus…
The Nails of the Cross.  Placed in the Chapel at St. Simeon Skete during Lenten Season.
“My Way of the Cross”  (Written by Seraphim, 5 April 2005, Louisville, KY.)
     Dropped in St. Martin de Tours Church to say my Rosary and found a group already praying so Im joining them.  Its been a strange journey today.   The bus driver was out of sorts and her spirit was throughout the bus.  Her job, her cross, and it hurts. Just now a man with Downs Syndrome in his 60’s left his pew after the Rosary finished.  He was carrying a bundle of well used devotional booklets and a prayer book bound together with rubber bands.  I could tell, sense, that a life time of devotion had just passed, a Simon of Cyrene, bearing His cross by bearing his.  Could this be another station in which the Lord is developing, “my personal way of the cross?”  Perhaps in all likelihood these stations are going on all the time and it is still Jesus, we’re passing and it is He that is passing us by in His way, His “personal Way of the Cross”. 
The Crown of Thorns, The Scourging.  Placed in the Chapel at St. Simeon Skete during Lent.
     I boarded the bus again and at the next stop a woman and her daughter got on.  She had been beaten by life; her ratted, worn polyester stretch-pants over a body long worn and pushed out of shape, her teeth missing on a face  that looked as if it had been beaten in from time to time.  And her daughter?  She was a teen, concerned about her looks as most naturally are. She had on trendy “gym shoes” and dressed nicely, a covering not only for her body, but also for what she didn’t want others to know.  When they boarded the bus the mother paid the fare for both of them.  The daughter went to the back of the bus while the mother sat at the front.  I could almost hear the thought of the daughter, “I hope no one thinks I’m with her”.  I watched the mother for response – none –  she sat with dignity, not energizing the stares and ignorance of her daughter. When the stop came for them to de-board the bus, the mother inconspicuously looked to the back to catch her daughter’s eye and gave a nod, she de-boarded from the back and the mother from the front of the bus.  I thought as the stops came and went, this mother who, as it were, had holes in her hands, feet and side, her face as if someone had struck her repeatedly and she was stooped as she walked, as if someone had beaten her back. Her loved one fleeing lest someone might associate her with this embarrassment.  The mother showed no sign of hurt over this, no resignation, as if at one time there was hope, expectation that she would be accepted, loved and not an embarrassment to others. Things were just as they were, nothing was to change, or for that matter, was able to change.  Again, could this be another station, another “bus stop” of the cross? …my own stations of the cross that God, the Holy Spirit was bringing to me?  As I thought on these things I heard three beeps of a car horn that strangely sounded like a cock crowing.
As you walk through your own life be aware that Christ continues to carry his cross in others. 
The remaining ashes of Ash Wednesday are enthroned in the Chapel of St. Simeon Skete during the Lenten Season.

…and he went a little further…
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All in Bloom

As we await another storm in Taylorsville – heading our way this afternoon, we are enjoying the beauty of Spring in Full Bloom.   

Some of the plants and trees that usually wait for late April or May to show their glory have already blossomed.  It is quite a gorgeous array of color.   

St. Simeon Skete weathered the March 2nd storm relatively well compared to many in the area, however, our buildings did take a good beating.   The roofs on all three buildings have hail damage and need replacing.  The siding, especially on Anna House looks like a machine gun splattered holes into it. 

…and today we wait for another “severe thunderstorm capable of damaging winds and large hail”.   We are under a severe weather watch until 8PM.   It seems Spring 2012 is here with a fury.

Our Nazareth House Apostolate Board Members met this weekend for the NHA Annual Meeting.  It was a productive meeting and we are eagerly looking forward to things to come.  Nazareth House Apostolate is extremely pleased to welcome its newest Board Member: Matthew Drake of San Francisco.  

Thank you to those who rallied together to help buy the additional materials for the well to furnish water the NHA Compound in Sierra Leone and provide water for the school and area neighbors in Kabala.  We have now raised enough money for the project to be completed.   James will be buying the materials this week.   

We are running a bit behind on the March regular monthly provision for those we serve in Sierra Leone (paying the NHA teachers, providing rice, etc.) but hopefully we’ll receive the donations soon to get caught up and pay our teachers who are eager to buy food for their families.

Today is James’ birthday and he is celebrating with his family in Freetown.  We wish a very happy birthday to him and thank him for his tireless work for NHA. 

St. Simeon Skete has had several pilgrims visit recently.  Those that come to the skete are seeking a deepening of the spiritual life.   We rise to begin the day in private prayer at 3:00 AM and then meeting together at the chapel at 4:40 AM for Lauds and The Liturgy.   

As Seraphim wrote in his journal about St. Simeon Skete “We don’t want a place where “hesychasts” are strutting around acting spiritual for the admiration of visitors, we don’t want the modern concept of “retreat” that entails the expectation of spiritual enjoyment, rest and relaxation.  Rather may it be a place, as stated, of prayer and penance, of embracing the Rule.  We’re not offering a spiritual vacation but a spiritual explanation.”  

We are in prayer, and those who arrive step into the ongoing stream of that prayer, they are here for that purpose – that is why they come.  If you are preparing to apply for a visit at the Skete make sure that you first understand what it is about.   You will not return home, rested and revitalized, but most likely quite the opposite.  You will be tired and worn-out, but in a productive,  purposeful & meaningful manner – bringing back with you what you have revealed from your time at the Skete seeking God, to be implemented in your daily life.  

We try to maintain an atmosphere of prayer at the Skete at all time, however sometimes others don’t consider this.  We ask that those visiting for a short time (an hour or day) remember that others are in prayer and respect this.  Please do not drive through, revving up the car engine or talk loudly.  This especially means NO PETS on the property at any time. We understand those coming to visit on pilgrimage would not bring a pet, especially while staying at Anna House, but this is also the rule for brief visits as well. 

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All in Bloom

As we await another storm in Taylorsville – heading our way this afternoon, we are enjoying the beauty of Spring in Full Bloom.   

Some of the plants and trees that usually wait for late April or May to show their glory have already blossomed.  It is quite a gorgeous array of color.   

St. Simeon Skete weathered the March 2nd storm relatively well compared to many in the area, however, our buildings did take a good beating.   The roofs on all three buildings have hail damage and need replacing.  The siding, especially on Anna House looks like a machine gun splattered holes into it. 

…and today we wait for another “severe thunderstorm capable of damaging winds and large hail”.   We are under a severe weather watch until 8PM.   It seems Spring 2012 is here with a fury.

Our Nazareth House Apostolate Board Members met this weekend for the NHA Annual Meeting.  It was a productive meeting and we are eagerly looking forward to things to come.  Nazareth House Apostolate is extremely pleased to welcome its newest Board Member: Matthew Drake of San Francisco.  

Thank you to those who rallied together to help buy the additional materials for the well to furnish water the NHA Compound in Sierra Leone and provide water for the school and area neighbors in Kabala.  We have now raised enough money for the project to be completed.   James will be buying the materials this week.   

We are running a bit behind on the March regular monthly provision for those we serve in Sierra Leone (paying the NHA teachers, providing rice, etc.) but hopefully we’ll receive the donations soon to get caught up and pay our teachers who are eager to buy food for their families.

Today is James’ birthday and he is celebrating with his family in Freetown.  We wish a very happy birthday to him and thank him for his tireless work for NHA. 

St. Simeon Skete has had several pilgrims visit recently.  Those that come to the skete are seeking a deepening of the spiritual life.   We rise to begin the day in private prayer at 3:00 AM and then meeting together at the chapel at 4:40 AM for Lauds and The Liturgy.   

As Seraphim wrote in his journal about St. Simeon Skete “We don’t want a place where “hesychasts” are strutting around acting spiritual for the admiration of visitors, we don’t want the modern concept of “retreat” that entails the expectation of spiritual enjoyment, rest and relaxation.  Rather may it be a place, as stated, of prayer and penance, of embracing the Rule.  We’re not offering a spiritual vacation but a spiritual explanation.”  

We are in prayer, and those who arrive step into the ongoing stream of that prayer, they are here for that purpose – that is why they come.  If you are preparing to apply for a visit at the Skete make sure that you first understand what it is about.   You will not return home, rested and revitalized, but most likely quite the opposite.  You will be tired and worn-out, but in a productive,  purposeful & meaningful manner – bringing back with you what you have revealed from your time at the Skete seeking God, to be implemented in your daily life.  

We try to maintain an atmosphere of prayer at the Skete at all time, however sometimes others don’t consider this.  We ask that those visiting for a short time (an hour or day) remember that others are in prayer and respect this.  Please do not drive through, revving up the car engine or talk loudly.  This especially means NO PETS on the property at any time. We understand those coming to visit on pilgrimage would not bring a pet, especially while staying at Anna House, but this is also the rule for brief visits as well. 

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Messages from our students in Kabala

One of the Nazareth House Apostolate board members, Claudio Lopez, underwent a series of surgeries in December.

The students in our Nazareth House Apostolate School in Kabala were very worried about him.

I received these pictures yesterday.

They were thinking of Claudio and wondering how he is doing.

NHA is truly a family!

of course, our students do not understand that Claudio doesn’t own the UPS plane he flies….
….its all about love….

We’ve received photo messages from our students and those we serve in Sierra Leone.  Keep checking out this blog… more messages are coming….
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Messages from our students in Kabala

One of the Nazareth House Apostolate board members, Claudio Lopez, underwent a series of surgeries in December.   

The students in our Nazareth House Apostolate School in Kabala were very worried about him.   

I received these pictures yesterday.  

They were thinking of Claudio and wondering how he is doing.   

NHA is truly a family!  

of course, our students do not understand that Claudio doesn’t own the UPS plane he flies….
….its all about love….

We’ve been received photo messages from our students and those we serve in Sierra Leone.  Keep checking out this blog… more messages are coming….
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A hard nut to crack

Idioms & Phrases:“hard nut to crack”
Also, “tough nut to crack.” –  A difficult problem; also, an individual who is difficult to deal with. For example, This assignment is a hard nut to crack, or It won’t be easy getting her approval; she’s a tough nut to crack. This metaphoric expression alludes to hard-shelled nuts like walnuts. [Early 1700s]
As James was returning to Kabala from picking up the supplies to begin the task of finishing the well at the NHA Compound, he stopped by a village on his way home.
No one was around at first, except this little boy named Lansana.  He is 18 months old and one of a set of twins.  His mom was out fishing in the stream for their supper and dad was at work on their farm.  Grandma was inside the hut tending to the other children.
Regular daily meals and snacks are not a routine part of his day, fending for himself and hunger is.  Lansana has no toys, no games, not much of anything.  Yet, he is satisfied, happy.  No complaints of the past, no worries for the future he takes in life moment by moment.
Ribs showing, protruding belly full of worms, he has found a single nut.
At this early age he is determined and resourceful.  He attempts to break the nut with a rock.

After several tries he is successful and he eats the fruit from within.
As this child found the nut hard to crack, poverty itself is a “hard nut to crack” – a difficult problem to fix.  The Bible tells us that poverty will always be with us.  Matthew 26:11, John 12:8  and then there is Deuteronomy 15:11 which says “There will always be poor people in the land.  Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.”
So we must look at what is presented to us with reality.  We can’t be puffed up and think we can fix it all – God tells we aren’t able to do this on our own.  But he makes a point of telling us that it is something He wants us to try to do – (with open hands) help out.  And so we must.  Please join us, eyes wide opened, knowing we can’t make it go away but also knowing we can and will help out – loving one person at a time.

Give today
185 Captains Cove Drive
Taylorsville, KY 40071








Posted in Freetown, Kabala, Love, Mother teresa, Nazareth house apostolate, Sierra Leone, St Simeon Skete | Leave a comment

Idioms & Phrases:“hard nut to crack”
Also, “tough nut to crack.” –  A difficult problem; also, an individual who is difficult to deal with. For example, This assignment is a hard nut to crack, or It won’t be easy getting her approval; she’s a tough nut to crack. This metaphoric expression alludes to hard-shelled nuts like walnuts. [Early 1700s]
As James was returning to Kabala from picking up the supplies to begin the task of finishing the well at the NHA Compound, he stopped by a village on his way home.  
No one was around at first, except this little boy named Lansana.  He is 18 months old and one of a set of twins.  His mom was out fishing in the stream for their supper and dad was at work on their farm.  Grandma was inside the hut tending to the other children.
Regular daily meals and snacks are not a routine part of his day, fending for himself and hunger is.  Lansana has no toys, no games, not much of anything.  Yet, he is satisfied, happy.  No complaints of the past, no worries for the future he takes in life moment by moment. 
Ribs showing, protruding belly full of worms, he has found a single nut.  
At this early age he is determined and resourceful.  He attempts to break the nut with a rock.

After several tries he is successful and he eats the fruit from within. 
As this child found the nut hard to crack, poverty itself is a “hard nut to crack” – a difficult problem to fix.  The Bible tells us that poverty will always be with us.  Matthew 26:11, John 12:8  and then there is Deuteronomy 15:11 which says “There will always be poor people in the land.  Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.”   
So we must look at what is presented to us with reality.  We can’t be puffed up and think we can fix it all – God tells we aren’t able to do this on our own.  But he makes a point of telling us that it is something He wants us to try to do – (with open hands) help out.  And so we must.  Please join us, eyes wide opened, knowing we can’t make it go away but also knowing we can and will help out – loving one person at a time.  

Give today
185 Captains Cove Drive
Taylorsville, KY 40071 

Posted in Freetown, Kabala, Love, Mother teresa, Nazareth house apostolate, Sierra Leone, St Simeon Skete | Leave a comment

Seeing RED on St. Patrick’s Day in Kabala

While many were decked out  in green celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, 

in Kabala at our Nazareth House School the children were celebrating another saint – St. Valentine.
In America we are attached to our chronos time, measured time – as on a clock.  “…got to be here by 10, appointment here at 2, meeting at 4, dinner at 6, soccer at 7…”  That’s not how things are in Africa.  Oh, they try to be at work, school or church at a specific scheduled time, but being “on time” is not always the result.   In Africa, they are more “event” oriented, not time oriented.   

When the shipment of Valentines from the Anglican Parish of St. Mark’s, Portland, Oregon was delayed in its journey from Portland to Freetown 

and arrived a month later than expected –  it didn’t matter.   

And the fact that our students were celebrating St. Valentine’s Day on St. Patrick’s Day — well – our student’s didn’t think there was anything odd about it at all.   It was a joyous event regardless of its timing.

What DID matter was that so much love was shared.   
It mattered that people thousands of miles away, across an ocean, all the way to the West side of the America were praying and thinking about children in Kabala, Sierra Leone.  

A church family (children and adults alike) joined together to cut, paste, color, glue, and decorate handmade Valentines with handwritten messages of love to send to children in a foreign country – children they have only met through this blog.   

Not only did they make these messages of love but they sent them, paying and arranging the shipping on their own, in coordination with the NHA headquarters in Taylorsville.  
And in these pictures you see another example of what our mission in Sierra Leone is all about….
and to the Parish of St. Mark’s in Portland we say THANK YOU, we love you and are so grateful for your prayers and love.   
…and to you all – we say THANK YOU for being a part of the Nazareth House Family! 

The unity brought about by such love and care for one’s neighbor is amazing.   
I don’t know how many times as we give to the people in Sierra Leone, 

the provision is shared by someone in another jurisdiction or another denomination that shuns the other.  

They are apart in their daily lives but united in their gift (donation) to Nazareth house expressed in bags of rice for the hungry, medicine for the sick, water  for the thirsty.  

They stand unified in the love for those in need.   
We love you all! 


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